

The PR Pro’s

Essential Crisis Communications
Prep Guide & Workbook

  • Fill-in-the-blank worksheets to create your crisis response framework
  • The 7 people you need on your crisis team (p.5)
  • Must-do actions for each phase of the crisis communications life-cycle
  • And much, MUCH more!


Whether it’s a leaked video of employees behaving badly or a tragic natural disaster, PR professionals are often called upon to help fix any crisis our organizations or clients face.

When a brand makes a public misstep, it’s the comms people who feel the pressure.

Picture it: Journalists are banging down your door, the social conversation is getting out of hand, and the negative coverage is pouring in.



It’s how you respond that determines the lasting impact of the event.  

…and it’s how you prepare that determines your ability to respond.

Meet the perfect resource to help you prepare:

The PR Pro’s Essential Crisis Communications Prep Guide & Workbook


It’s true that there is no single formula for a perfect crisis communications response.

What has worked for others will not necessarily work for you, but you can put measures in place to ensure you’re able to pull it all together as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Which brings us to this prep guide…

Whether you’re starting from scratch or working from existing policies, this free e-book will guide you through the steps to creating a bullet-proof crisis communications plan.


No battle was ever won according to plan, but no battle was ever won without one.

– Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ensure your organization or clients are as prepared as possible next time life throws a curve-ball your way.

The PR Pro’s

Essential Crisis Communications
Prep Guide & Workbook

  • Fill-in-the-blank worksheets to create your crisis response framework
  • The 7 people you need on your crisis team (p.5)
  • Must-do actions for each phase of the crisis communications life-cycle
  • And much, MUCH more!

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