PR Buzz
Why Companies Need to Do More to Fight Disinformation

Why Companies Need to Do More to Fight Disinformation

Even though disinformation, defined as deliberately misleading news or information, costs companies millions of dollars a year and has significant consequences for society, few companies are investing resources and helping educate their employees about it. In the...

10 winning PR campaigns from 2022 

10 winning PR campaigns from 2022 

People are shown up to 10,000 ads a day. With so much digital noise, company messages start to get ignored or hidden by ad blockers, and many consumers feel reluctant to trust advertisements from brands they don’t recognize. To achieve greater brand awareness, you...

World Cup Media Coverage Breakdown: Week 1

World Cup Media Coverage Breakdown: Week 1

Human rights at the forefront of FIFA World Cup coverage: A special PR Buzz report We are now more than a week into the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar™. A lot has happened in the first seven days of the tournament—goals, saves, and all the other exciting, nail-biting...

What’s the PR Buzz in Entertainment: Summer Reading List

What’s the PR Buzz in Entertainment: Summer Reading List

If you’re anything like the writer of this blog (hello!), your summer reading list is probably a mile high and only growing longer as new books with tantalizing covers and mouth-watering premises are released each month.   Since most of us don’t have access to a time...

What’s the PR Buzz in Entertainment: July 2022 Report

What’s the PR Buzz in Entertainment: July 2022 Report

Too much choice can be debilitating. Yet, every day we are provided with even more options for what to watch, listen to, play, and read. How do you decide where to spend your time? Our Media Insights Team at Agility did some of the heavy lifting for you. Using Agility...

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